回顾 | 最新国际旅行与检疫隔离政策分享
Over the past few months, AmCham China has been receiving increasing inquiries from members on travel and quarantine issues. To help keep our members up-to-date and informed, on March 23 we hosted our 6th Standing Call on Travel and Quarantine Issues. The webinar provided updates on the latest quarantine policies and travel requirements for passengers traveling between the US and China. Click here to visit the AmCham China Travel and Vaccine Portal.
美中航空合作项目(ACP) 执行总监Geoffrey Jackson主持了本次活动。活动邀请了以下嘉宾:美国驻华大使馆副领事, 美国公民服务处Katie Warden;美国驻华大使馆非移民签证处副主管Jake Warden;美国驻华大使馆经济官员 Adh T. Stevens;美国达美航空公司中国区大客户销售总经理Judy Liu;美国联合航空公司中国销售总监Nancy Lyu;以及和睦家医疗药剂科主任Helen Zhang。
Executive Director of US-China Aviation Cooperation Program (ACP) Geoffrey Jackson led the webinar and was joined by guest speakers: Katie Warden, Vice Consul, American Citizen Services of the US Embassy Beijing; Jake Warden, Deputy Nonimmigrant Visa Chief of the US Embassy Beijing; Adh T. Stevens, Second Secretary and Consul at Economic Affairs Section of the US Embassy Beijing; Judy Liu, General Manager, Corporate & Partner Sales-China at Delta Air Lines; Nancy Lyu, Regional Sales Manager China at United Airlines; and Helen Zhang, Director of Pharmacy at United Family Healthcare.
Helen Zhang 首先为大家讲解了中国当前的疫苗种类与新冠疫情形势。此外,她还介绍了疫苗对奥密克戎毒株的有效性、一剂、两剂和三剂疫苗所发挥的不同保护作用等。
Helen Zhang opened the webinar by updating guests on the vaccine offerings and COVID-19 situation in China. In addition to giving an overview of the currently available vaccines, she also covered the effectiveness of vaccines against the Omicron variant, the different levels of protection offered by one, two, and three doses of the vaccine respectively, and more.
Representatives from the US Embassy also provided an update and reminded attendees that the US Embassy in China is fully reopened for visa issuance to Chinese citizens.
美国达美航空公司的 Judy Liu 介绍了前往中国的行前检测流程及隔离政策。Judy同时提供了达美航空的最新航线信息,包括西雅图-上海和底特律-上海。虽然目前向东飞行的航班更容易预订,但她表示,随着 2022 学年的临近,预计机票需求将会上升。
Judy Liu from Delta outlined the current pre-travel procedures as well as the quarantine and arrival process. Liu provided information on Delta’s updated flight routes including Seattle-Shanghai and Detroit-Shanghai. While eastbound flights are currently easier to book, she said they could expect demand to pick-up as the 2022 school year approaches.
美国联合航空公司Nancy Lyu 为大家详细介绍了中国公民与外籍人士入境中国之前如何申请绿色健康码。在分享美联航最新航班信息时,Nancy表示虽然联合航空在未来几个月有增加更多航线的可能,但她仍建议预订目前已有的旧金山-上海航线(UA857和UA858)。中国美国商会美中航空合作项目的李一鸣介绍了美中“快捷通道”项目(以下简称“项目”)的服务内容及最新进展,包括协助来华签证邀请函(PU Letter)、签证与绿色健康码的申请。点击此处了解该“项目”的更多信息。
For her portion, Nancy Lyu explained how Chinese and expatriates returning to China can apply for the green health code (see slides for more information). Lyu also shared United’s latest flight information, and while she was hopeful about adding more routes in the months ahead, she still advised travelers to book on the confirmed route of San Francisco-Shanghai (flights UA 857 and UA858). Yiming Li reiterated the offerings of the US-China Fast-Track Travel Channel Program (the Program) which can aid with the issuance of PU letters, visas, and green health codes. Click here to learn more about the Program.
中国美国商会美中航空合作项目(ACP)的Geoffrey Jackson最后向会员表示,中国美国商会将持续为推动中美两国旅行恢复到疫情前的水平做出努力。欲了解本次活动的更多内容,请点击此处下载完整版材料。
Geoffrey Jackson concluded the virtual event by assuring members that AmCham China will continue to advocate for and facilitate travel until the point that pre-pandemic travel can resume. Click here to download the PPT presentation from the webinar.
如需获知更多关于美中“快捷通道”项目的信息,请您发送邮件至 nding@amchamchina.org 或致电 (10) 8519-0890
Contact us
To find out more about the US-China Fast-Track Travel Channel Program, please contact us for more details at nding@amchamchina.org or call (10) 8519-0890.
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最新报告 | 外资企业承诺持续在华投资,但乐观预期在逐渐减弱
最新消息 | 美中“快捷通道”已启动
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